When opportunities come knocking, are you ready to receive them? Sometimes people look at successful people and say “Oh yes, but he/she is very lucky…they were at the...

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When opportunities come knocking, are you ready to receive them?

Sometimes people look at successful people and say “Oh yes, but he/she is very lucky…they were at the right place at the right time…”

Well, let me tell you my friends, people create their own luck! Of course luck (per se) has a part to play but everyday people are thrown some luck dust but are unable to make the most of the situation because they are ill-prepared to take advantage of the situation given to them.

For example, sometimes we may sit an exam and all the questions we studied come up and we say WOW! I was so lucky! Is this solely to do with luck? Not all of it! Mostly, it is the fact that you studied hard and so were in a position to answer the questions. YOU therefore created your own luck. The same can also be applied to job interviews. If you research the
company well (prior to the interview) and you know the company inside out (their products, their markets, their competitors, including how YOU can add value to them), then frankly no interview question will be hard for you because you have covered all bases.

Living life successfully is “being in the position of recognising great opportunities when they come knocking on your door, and being able to open the door to these opportunities, quickly”.

So, how do you create your own luck? Simple: PREPARATION! This requires, research, perseverance, dedication and determination. It means being in a state of preparedness to recognise great opportunities when they come floating your way.

So, treat each task that you undertake as a project to ensure you are well prepared when Lady Luck knocks on your door!

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