MALE PERSPECTIVE By Mitchell Odhiambo – Can a woman make or break a man?

Can a woman make or break a man? When I was first told about women, I was categorically made aware...

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Can a woman make or break a man?

When I was first told about women, I was categorically made aware that they can either make or break a man. It’s amazing how a room’s mood changes when an attractive woman walks in. Despite the subject of engagement, men just shut up and turn their heads in agreement towards a common direction. That my friend, is the strength of a woman.

I understand what marriage does to a man; it magnifies him. I was told by my grandmother among other voices; my son, if you want to lead a happy life, marry the right woman. If your shoe size is size 8, marry a size 8, the shoe might be uncomfortable while new but after continual engagement, the shoe will fit and make you comfortable. This advice I find works for both men and women.

A woman can take you to the moon and back. If you treat her like a queen, she will return the honour and grant you the treatment of a king. However, if you treat her like a devil, you will earn yourself the devil’s reward of hell on earth. The world has gone to the extent and coined: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

There is no force on earth equal to the strength of a woman. Among the things that amaze me and the things that I do not understand, top of the list is the way of a man with a maiden. Cultivate the right environment for your woman to challenge you and to stretch your limits and you will be the happiest man on earth when the city, the village and the state envy your garden of roses.

Until we speak again, I am your host. Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s World. To get a female perspective on this, please CLICK HERE to read my colleague Yvonne’s views.

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