Those who studied economics back in school learnt something called Opportunity Cost. For those unschooled in matters economics, this basically means giving up...

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Those who studied economics back in school learnt something called Opportunity Cost. For those unschooled in matters economics, this basically means giving up one thing for the sake of something else.

To explain it further, I will give a simple example: Suppose you have a thousand shillings and you want to buy two items. Both cost a thousand shillings. Between the two, you have to make a choice as to which one is more important to you because you can only afford one. Which will you buy and which will you forgo?

Life is always like this especially to the young people. It will always present many options. Take the example of a student. He/she has the option of studying or partying. For those who are working, they have the option of spending their money on luxuries or investing. Those who have families have the option of advising and directing their children or leaving them to find their way around. It is usually up to us to make an informed decision as to what is best not just for us and now, but also for the future generations.

We have to make a choice between what is attractive and what is important. Life is about sacrifices and the greater the thing we seek, the greater the sacrifice. But in all this, there has to be a choice between two or more important things. We have to decide between playing now and paying later or paying now and playing later. If we seriously value our dreams, visions and aspirations, then there is no sacrifice too big to make. Our present and future are equally important but we should not allow either to interfere with the other. Wishing you luck as you make progress in your endeavours. Click HERE to read more posts by Mwangi

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