MALE PERCEPTIVE – On Why Men Hate Visiting the Doctor By Mitchell Odhiambo

On Why Men Hate Visiting the Doctor By Mitchell Odhiambo How often do men visit hospitals during their lifetime? Probably these are...

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On Why Men Hate Visiting the Doctor By Mitchell Odhiambo

How often do men visit hospitals during their lifetime? Probably these are some of the reasons we die earlier than our female counterparts.

Men don’t do hospitals, they don’t fancy it at all. A man could be coughing hard but mention the word doctor and sweet Lord our fellow is healed. He will accept deworming pills but anything beyond that, will be a struggle. Do men have total disregard for their health or what exactly is the underlying issue?

Perhaps men should ease up sometimes and ask for help where help is needed. Men loathe feeling vulnerable especially to strangers. We are not particularly happy at the thought of walking into a room and placing our absolute trust in someone we barely know. We like feeling in control especially of our own lives.

Doctors have a way of telling you problems you didn’t know you had, in ways you don’t even understand. Then they prescribe for you prescriptions you can barely read which you carefully pass over to the physician who in return gives you some drugs you cannot pronounce with prescriptions on how to ingest them. Congratulations doctor you just make a full grown man feel like a complete idiot.

To add insult to injury, let the doctor say, you need to add more vegetables to your diet and not just feed on meat. Inside his head the man is wondering ‘who is this doctor and who is giving him the right to talk like that?’ especially if the man is accompanied by the wife who is insistent, ‘I always tell him to take veggies’, excuse me Dr. you just lost a client. You will never see that man again.

Men will be men, they like feeling dominant and sometimes they just need someone to knock some sense into their heads. If you got your man right there, drag him to the doctors and have him checked out. All the best winning that battle.  Until we meet again. Welcome to a man’s world. From Mitchell Odhiambo     To read a female perspective on this point, please click this link to read my colleague’s Lucy’s views –

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