‘To enjoy the shade of a tree tomorrow, plant the seeds today’ By Mwangi Ndegwa

I happen to love nature, the tall trees, evergreen shrubs, the tall Savannah grass and the works. I like taking walks in places...

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I happen to love nature, the tall trees, evergreen shrubs, the tall Savannah grass and the works. I like taking walks in places where the natural setting of things still remain unadulterated although these areas are disappearing at an alarming rate with these lands being replaced with farmland and skyscrapers. I hope we stop this mess before it goes past the point of no return.

The most fascinating of these natural vegetation to me are the tall trees. Some of them are over a century old and they truly are a heritage. The thing that rings many questions in my mind is the process it took for them to get there. From a small tree to the magnificent size they are -what a work of art indeed.

It might have been the work of nature or man but either way, if these seeds were never planted into the soil those many years ago, we wouldn’t have something to enjoy. I would like to specifically address the young people although this cuts across the age divide.

We all have dreams and aspirations and there is the kind of life we envision for our selves in future. We would like to have a good job or business, a nice car and home, a nice family and the ability to go on holiday to those exotic destinations. All this is well and good and it is good to dream and aspire but what we do today will determine whether these dreams and aspirations will be realized. If we want a good job, the effort(s) that we put in our studies today, will either make or break that expectation. There is no way one can joke around with studies and yet want to be a CEO of a blue chip company in future. There is no way one aspire to be a great entrepreneur and yet even basic savings is jargon to them. Our future is the sum total of the things we do today. We create our future today. So my humble advice to all of us is this: To enjoy the shade of a tree tomorrow, plant the seeds today. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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