Do you think success comes from sweat or simply knowing the right people? When you see people with expensive houses or cars, do you stop...

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Do you think success comes from sweat or simply knowing the right people? When you see people with expensive houses or cars, do you stop to find out how they made their money before you start admiring them, or does how a person make their money (clean or otherwise), not bother you at all? 

When you see a university peer, school friend, or colleague walking around campus or the office, not worried about getting good grades, or not worried about turning up to work on time, do you view them with admiration? Do you listen to them when they tell you that making money is easy and they don’t see why you are sweating so much, that you’re too boring because you work too hard, study too hard, that you need to chill? If this sounds like people you call friends, then it is time that you found yourself a new set of friends, because everyone knows, good, clean success takes sweat and lots of it!

Look at the Olympics – do you think people simply turn up every 4 years and secure a gold? Do you see how emotional some of them became on winning? Why? Because they know that that medal was the result of many years of sacrifices, dedication, sweat, injuries, not seeing your wife/husband/children for long periods. These are the people we need to admire. Look at the athletes who choose to short cut and try to cheat their way? Initially they think they are getting away with it but technology has a way of catching up they get banned.

So, you can live in dreamland or accept, clean success takes a lot of hard work and, a lot of sweat. Are you ready? To read more posts by Miriam, click HERE

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