The question about the right time to marry or get married is a frequently asked question and yet sadly, has no simple or...

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The question about the right time to marry or get married is a frequently asked question and yet sadly, has no simple or right answer.

I remember when we were teenagers during sessions that touched on relationships, the question that was often asked was, “When is the right time to be in a relationship?” In the same way, “When is the right time to marry?”  is the adult version the same?

One thing that is a mystery is; is readiness for marriage is often equated to age but is it based upon how long you have been in a relationship? And finally, is it how much you know your partner and you are sure you want to be with them for the rest of your life? Now I can be sure I see you nodding on that one. You are right, marriage and the readiness for it is dependent on you and your partner first, the rest are secondary influences.

In terms of dating timelines, I have seen friends who have gotten married after only 6 months of dating and many years later, the marriage is working out perfectly and I have also seen others who have dated for 6 years and are now married and the marriage is also doing well. On the other hand, I have seen others who dated for one year and the marriage didn’t go beyond honeymoon. Others have dated since they were teenagers and in marriage, they became strangers. So in actual fact, there is no one size fits all.

Each person and each couple is unique in their own way. Most people will give advice based on their experiences in marriage, some are happy while others are bitter. Learn to filter. Some outsiders have negative intentions towards your union and will do anything to see you apart.

So, are you ready for marriage? Look your spouse in the eye, look within your heart, make sure it is not rushed and decisions are built through the foundations of true love from both.  To get a male perspective on this, you can read Mitchell’s post HERE


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