On ‘SET YOUR FOCUS WELL’ By Mwangi Ndegwa

If there is something I can do any day any time, then it is photography. I love the life behind the lens and money or no money,...

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If there is something I can do any day any time, then it is photography. I love the life behind the lens and money or no money, I will still be happily clicking away. That chance and ability to freeze a moment in time beats any other feeling and just giving a story without words is the highest form of communication. I know the advent of smart phones with cameras has somehow watered down photography, but these gadgets can never beat the quality of good old fashioned camera.

When taking a photo, there are many things that need to align before you press the shutter. There is the exposure, focus, ISO, shutter speed, framing and many more photography jargon. All these have a way they should be aligned in order to produce a perfect photo. You can get all others well aligned but if you fail in the focus area, you can never produce a good shot. If a camera is out of focus, it will either produce a hazy photo or, a photo with some parts of the subject missing. A good photo should be clear with all target areas well visible. These things have to be done on location because they can not be corrected in the editing studio

All of us have dreams, visions and aspirations and for them to be realized, it is important to make sure that our focus on these important things is on point. You cannot describe something that is unclear, in the mist or in darkness. Many of us may have good visions but if subjects are not clear in the photo, we fail to achieve them in life.

It is important to be clear about what it is, that we want in life. This should be well written down, all properly planned out, timelines set before we embark on looking for financing. Many people look for finance first, and then plan on what to do with it. This is getting all of it twisted. You cannot start to build a house from the roof. You start with the foundation upwards and that is the way life should be. Set your focus well and your life will be smooth sailing and challenges that crop up, will never be a bother  to you. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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