‘A Ship is always safe at the shore but that is not what it is built for’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

It is not a new idea, not by any means, but a sailor who survives the rough seas has a perspective that he would not...

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It is not a new idea, not by any means, but a sailor who survives the rough seas has a perspective that he would not have heard. It is safe and comfortable to reside on the shores, but to achieve great miles and to conquer the sea, you ought to launch into the deep and conquer the great waters. After all, no smooth sea ever made a great sailor.

This is a philosophy I would advise we extend to the relationships within our lives. We find growth once we live beyond the confines of our comfort zones. Take that leap, start that project, ask that question, go into that office, launch that enterprise. I mean do whatever it takes.

I would advise, seek guidance from those who have done it before, get yourself a mentor. Draw yourself a road map to where you would like to get and audit that with your mentor/seniors those with an eagle’s eye view and as soon as you can take action on your dreams.

Take your time to audit yourself during the December Holidays. I am sure 2018 came with a lot of lessons. Design plans for 2019 and beginning from the New Year, take a dive. Build yourself a great support ecosystem and fly. You will earn yourself experiences that will shape your view point and make you a better person. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world To get a female perspective on this, read Mercy’s post HERE

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