Today I would like to share the story of Karan Bilimoria, millionaire founder and chief executive of Cobra Beer, speaking to Sheridan Winn...

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Today I would like to share the story of Karan Bilimoria, millionaire founder and chief executive of Cobra Beer, speaking to Sheridan Winn for “Business Life” magazine.  When asked about the secret of his success, his response was very precise, yet very deep.

“I was 20 and had just finished my first degree when I sought my father’s  advice on how to approach the world of work. He had a long and distinguished career in the Indian army and rose to become the commander in Chief. His manner was strict and firm, but he was very friendly. He appreciated and trusted people and gave them freedom.

“Come and see me in my office if you want to talk to me about work,”he said.So I made an appointment with his ADC and went to see him. He had a huge office and I felt small.

“You are starting out and you will be given a lot of tasks to fulfill,”he said.”The first thing is always to do something to the best of your ability. Then the second time you do it, give it that little bit extra”  What he was in effect saying was:”Take the initiative; be innovative; be creative. Always go the extra mile.”


This is a challenge to us; how many times do we go the extra mile? Life is full of many assignments not just the world of work. We must learn to take the initiative and go that extra mile.This is not to please anyone, but to get the actual fulfillment of what you do.  So go the extra mile and do the right thing, Go the extra mile and be excellent and Go the extra mile, not just for yourself but for the other person.  To read more articles by Mercy, click HERE


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