‘WHAT’S YOUR TETHER’ By Mwangi Ndegwa

For those who never had the privilege of growing up in the rural areas, you may not understand what a tether is. Simply...

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For those who never had the privilege of growing up in the rural areas, you may not understand what a tether is. Simply put, a tether is the rope that is tied to a grazing animal either on one of its legs or neck and then tied to a peg fastened to the ground to limit its movement to a certain radius.

The animal then feeds on the vegetation that is within that limited area and however much it tries to feed beyond that area, it is totally impossible to venture outside this proximity. It may hope and wish for the fresher grass beyond the tether length but that remains just wishful thinking. 

It is both sad and shocking to realize that many of us are in this situation although are not aware of it. These tethers in our lives are not physical so you may not even know they are there. It can be a past failure in school, business or relationship. They can be friends, family, schoolmates or co-workers. A disappointment from a trusted person, being let down by people you had so much faith and trust in. It can also be fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of rejection. These things and many more, can be very debilitating in our life’s progress. They can limit you to a very small confine and until you realize this, this may become your lifestyle for ever.

The good thing about the “tethers”in our lives is that unlike animals we can cut them off from whatever section or sphere of life they are holding us in. We just need to know what or who they are and then start the process of disengaging from them. Remember that anything or anybody who is not aiding your progress in life is a liability and should be cut off immediately. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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