Before a man and a woman come together, each had dreams and ambitions; whether to have a happy family filled with love and...

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Before a man and a woman come together, each had dreams and ambitions; whether to have a happy family filled with love and joy or a mission out there that requires mastery and conquering the world. Whenever they come together, few things can exceed the joy that comes with supporting each other’s dreams.

History is replete with circumstances where one comes at a crossroad and has to make a decision as to which route to take. This often requires the sacrifice of one thing to enjoy another. Cases where you have to weigh the opportunity cost and take the high road. 

I would implore you at all times to be open with your partner in terms of to what your dreams are and have both of you decide which is the best course of action to take, in terms of supporting one another.  Around us, we have people whose lives seemed to go in a certain direction until they got married and the trajectory took a 180 degree turn. For some, it is the best thing that happened to them, for others we sympathize, as all seems lost. Strive to be the former; do not be the latter.

Cultivate an environment that allows dreams and careers to blossom. Do not choke out your partner’s ambitions. Make collective decisions and seek to take the high road that is resplendent with great reward and you will enjoy the fruits of your decisions

Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please read Mercy’s post HERE

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