A person's identity are the characteristics that distinguish them from the rest. As I was thinking about this, many things went through my...

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A person’s identity are the characteristics that distinguish them from the rest. As I was thinking about this, many things went through my mind and I tried to look for something that would illustrate this in the best way. I settled for a white fabric.

White for those who have done fine art is not considered a color persé. It is a mixture of all other colors and that’s why if you dip a white piece of cloth in any dye hue, it takes that as its new colour. White things have no identity so they usually take on the color that is applied on them, hence why when a building is being painted, the undercoat is usually white before you apply the paint colour of your choice. We can confidently say that white has no identity.

This also applies to us as human beings. Each one of us was created unique and it is a scientifically proven fact that no two human beings have, a similar set of  thumb print. There is also a gifting that is unique to us and can only be realized by us personally activating it. The sad state of affairs is that we have so many people living a lie. We seem to everything else but ourselves.

Many of us eat, dress, reside, school or drive, according to the expectations of others in society, workplace, school, family, peers, religious circles, business clubs or, investment groups. If we are removed from either of these settings we cease to exist. We become helpless and insecure. There are many people who thrive in commendations of other people and become depressed if nobody makes a positive compliment about them. Outside of these groups, they are like fish out of water who cannot seem to survive for more than a few seconds.

 Its important especially in today’s world to have an identity and this can only happen if we know our true purpose. Our purpose points us in the direction of our destiny and thus gives us our identity. The question I pose to each one of us is: Where do you and I get our identity from? Is it from the place we reside, cars that we drive, clothes we wear, schools we attend, or the people we know? True identity is from within; for it is drawn from our character and the personal beliefs that we have. So, get your own true identity and life will be smooth for you. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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