There are certain weaknesses that affect certain people but there are some that affect many of us and one of them is ACCEPTING...

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There are certain weaknesses that affect certain people but there are some that affect many of us and one of them is ACCEPTING CHANGE.

If I am to ask, “how many of us find it easy to accept change in our comfort – be it location, source of income, or worse still, a change in the people who matter so much to us like a partner?” It’s quite a tough bone to chew but sadly, change is the most constant thing in the world because it will always happen.

Personally, it’s a struggle to accept that things will not be the same and the comfort that was once there, now ceases to be. Even when it’s a positive change  such as a better job, there comes with it, the challenge of dealing with new people, new environment, new policies etc.

A child cries when they are brought to the world for the first time. The change of environment from the womb to the real world creates a discomfort. A mother almost gets teary when on the first day of school as the child cries leaving the comfort of home. A parent finds it hard letting go of a child during marriage because they cannot imagine not having them around. 

All these are normal changes in different stages of life that we have to go through in one way or other. The only difference is how we handle the changes. While it’s not expected to simply let go so easily, the more reluctant we become, the harder it is not only for us but everyone around us.

Are you going through some changes in your life? How is it making you feel? Are you handling it well? 

Change can make us bitter, but it can also make us better. The only difference is appreciating that we are actually going through a change process, accepting the change, knowing how to deal with the change (especially if there is no alternative) and letting Go of the past and being in the present.  To get a male perspective on this, please read Mitchell’s post HERE 

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