It is something difficult to comprehend when you look at a seed and the plant it becomes. Seeds are very tiny compared to...

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It is something difficult to comprehend when you look at a seed and the plant it becomes. Seeds are very tiny compared to the tree that they later  become.

Another perplexing thing is the colour disparity. You plant one white seed and out come green plants or black peas resulting in, green shoots. Another thing is how these small delicate shoots are able to break through from the inside, through the hard crust and soil to emerge into the open.

Fuel outside a car cannot make it move. It has to be inside the petrol tank where its then drawn through the internal mechanism of the engine for combustion and ultimately leads to the car’s motion.

In our first scenario above, all that the seed requires to achieve the results is within it. All it requires is the proper environment and all that is in it, will start the process of becoming.

I have observed with a lot of sadness when I see people, especially the youth, trying to look for validation from outside; either from their peers, family or society. Their action or lack of, is determined by everyone else’s opinion but theirs. They lack self belief and ultimately, lose their power of choice.

Its important to note that we come into this world complete. We come inbuilt with all that we require to achieve personal success and purpose. A bird never goes to school to learn how to fly neither does a fish employ tutors to teach it how to swim. We all come gifted differently and all that we need to do is develop those gifts. In the same way a seed cannot germinate when in storage, same way our gifts cannot grow “locked up” in the deep recesses of our minds. We need to expose them to the right kind of environment avoiding any place or people who may lead to the death of the same.

It is important to be conscious of our environment as it plays a very big role in the development of that which is deposited in the inside of us.
Remember this : You are like a self-contained house. You don’t need any new software installation. Just identify what you are good at and perfect it.  To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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