Boys will be boys and it’s amazing how awesome we feel when we allow the little boy in us to find expression. However, this becomes an issue when you find men who by behavior or character, refuse to accept responsibility as adults. The rush may be exciting temporarily but certainly disheartening if prolonged over a long period of time.
We have friends around us; personally I know some who spend all day playing play stations, watching movies and hanging out with girls on campus even though they are not students. I find it strange for men in their late 20s (almost 30s), still living their lives as if they have no responsibility and no future to prepare for.
They cannot secure or maintain a job nor do they want to work. They don’t want commitments, sleep in until 10am every day and borrow money to take girls out or sojourn the big screens. This is worrisome. These activities are great as a reward to yourself for a job well done however, if done carelessly and without regard to the future, then it is a red flag.
Imagine marrying a dude who spends all day slumped on the couch, watching TV and whenever money is made, it is spent on non-essentials while the bills mount up or the kids need diapers. Quite a strenuous marriage that would be; I cannot begin to imagine how tough that would be. To take care of a person courtesy of a job loss/tragedy is one thing, however, to mother your partner because they have no sense of adult responsibility well… you’re in trouble
The priorities have to be right, there has to be a balance of course and I would always advise my fellow men to hang around more mature men who will teach them how to handle themselves as well as how to take care of their future family.
Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please read Mercy’s post HERE