On ‘HEALTH AND FITNESS’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

I read somewhere that when you see a man with a potbelly without a corresponding pocket, then this is an illegal structure. I...

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I read somewhere that when you see a man with a potbelly without a corresponding pocket, then this is an illegal structure. I laughed. In a setting like the country we live in, a potbelly is associated with wealth, pomp and glamour. I am not sure how healthy that is though especially for a young man in his early 20s.

It is important to take care of our bodies men. Commit ourselves to regular exercises, morning jogs, bike riding, swimming, gym sessions, regular showers, superb haircuts. We ought to look insanely attractive. That has the effect of boosting our confidence levels and consequently sends our confidence levels way over the roof. In addition I am also sure the ladies appreciate this.

I would suggest that we also be careful about the foods that we eat. The generation before us has told us often how they enjoyed natural African food and were therefore strong unlike us who live on GMOs, microwave cooked foods, plastic rice, sugar laced with heavy metals and lifestyle diseases have become more common. Diseases that we once imagined were only confined to the rich and old, are now regular occurrences amongst the poor and their children. Let us have more fresh water and natural fruit. I am sure we will find that useful.

I am sure society will celebrate strong healthy men, with strong bones and healthy teeth. Whatever preferences you have on your outlook/physique please go for it. My only recommendation would be that we keep it healthy and fit. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please read Mercy’s post HERE

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