We all desire that sense of belonging and that is why as we grow, we have that 'crew' that we hang out with....

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We all desire that sense of belonging and that is why as we grow, we have that ‘crew’ that we hang out with. That group of friends you’re always around; that friend you will call on the phone and speak to for hours. Well, that is, until Prince Charming comes along and you are forced to make priorities. You now need to make that tough decision on who comes first.

This is an issue that affects many friendships and relationships. If you have scheduled a day with your guy then your girls call you for an ice-cream or shopping, do you let them down?

There are complaints in relationships,“Oh you are spending too much time with the boys you no longer have time for me.”And the guy will complain,”You are always hanging out with your friends on almost all weekends, we barely have time together,” Or ,“you always have friends tag along on our time together, we need time alone. ” This is a tough position to be in especially if you have long term friends and are used to being together all the time. It’s interesting because ultimately, jealousy is the issue, The relationship is a threat to the friendship and the friendship, a threat to the relationship if not handled well.

Sadly it is up to you to prioritize so you don’t lose out on any side. Your man is the love of your life and you need to make them feel loved, whereas your friends have been there and will always be there for you so they should not feel abandoned. Be sure not to hurt either side at the expense of the other. Wishing you all, the very best from Mercy. To get a male perspective on this, you can read Mitch’s post HERE 

Photo credit: pinterest

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