‘MOVING ON’ By Mwangi Ndegwa

While I may not be a fan of politics, this has not stopped me from trying to take lessons from this area, where...

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While I may not be a fan of politics, this has not stopped me from trying to take lessons from this area, where I can.  This post is not meant to support any political side but rather, for purposes of deriving some important life lessons.

Kenya is still in political mood with the general elections still fresh in people’s minds. Its been a bruising campaign period with expectations high in the hearts and minds of all aspirants. And is with any contest, there are winners and losers: for the winners, this is a moment of celebration but the losers are left licking their wounds and struggling to come to terms with this hard reality.

This applies across the divide; from business, to studies to relationships. Nobody starts anything with the aim of failing or losing but as is with life, it is not the case that things will work according to our script. There are unforseen circumstances which crop up unannounced which throw a spanner in the works. The toughest and lowest moment in a person’s life is when you discover that whatever you had put so much in effort in to, has failed.

Naturally, human beings take time for this to sink in, then comes denial followed by regrets. This is a defining moment and can make or break somebody’s future. How you react or respond to this determines what will happen from thereon. It becomes tough if you don’t have someone to hold your hand or give you their shoulder to lean on. The most important thing to note here is that you are not a failure and you are not the one who has failed. Failure means you tried something but it didn’t work out but this is an opportunity to learn and puts you in a better position to succeed next time. Failure is never permanent; neither is it a crime.

As I conclude, the question is; what do I do in the event of failure?

  1. Acceptance. Once you accept your situation, you are in a position to look at it objectively instead of subjectively.
  2. Willingness to learn lessons and to move on.
  3. Move On – Last but not least, is not to carry that failure as a tag into your future engagements. The only thing you should take with you are the lessons learnt. Remember this: it is better to try something and fail rather than not try, only to realize you had a one hundred percent success chance. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE  


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  1. Steve Gamba       Reply

    Without passion any rational person would give up.
    Steve Jobs