Make like a tree and grow By Angela Mugo

Make like a tree and grow Do you often see something somewhere and it sticks in your head. Something that...

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Make like a tree and grow

Do you often see something somewhere and it sticks in your head. Something that does not stand out but your eye ends up catching it. It’s not extraordinary, just ordinary words that keep on replaying in your head.

A while back, when I noticed this trend, it irked me. I thought something in my brain was broken and I needed a fix. I mean, how does my brain pick up something so irrelevant and choose to chew it, regurgitate it over and over? However, after a while, I noticed that these are things that I needed to learn and that is why, they stuck.

So, a few days ago, I saw a statement that stuck in my head ‘Make like a tree and grow’. It was on a very hot Tuesday afternoon, I was busy working on my computer trying very hard to beat a deadline. I looked at those words and they kept on just running through my mind. Finally, to get some peace of mind, I wrote them down. Later, this got me thinking so much about growth. I am going through a major career transition and it’s been scary albeit terrifying for me. The thing is, when you are going into something new, you will be faced by the reality of falling short. Since you are a newbie, you will have to for a second, sit at a table of men, and not have a thing to contribute. In short, you will fall short.

However, I realized that the only way you will grow is when you venture into new territory. The thing is, for a tree to grow, it has to spread its root, far and wide. Sometimes it will come across obstacles; it will have to go above them or even through them. The end is there are no excuses it has to spread out just so that it can gain some girth or length.

So it is with us, often we want growth but we fear branching out. We want to stay in the comfort zone where we are masters. We want to be in that place where people hold us in high esteem and we revel in this. However, in this place, we will never grow. We will get so caught up in people’s opinions and end up making that our hustle. However, if you want to win in the game of life, you have to continuously grow yourself. You have to be better than you were yesterday. The reality is, in a world that is ever changing, there is no space for stagnation. Stagnate just for a while and the carpet will be pulled from right under you. You will find yourself out of the loop, standing in the cold and nobody will be willing to take you in because they have no use for you anymore. So wherever you are, strive to be better than you were yesterday. Strive to challenge your thinking, beliefs and skills.  Make like a tree and grow!

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