MALE PERSPECTIVE By Mitchell Odhiambo On The “Alpha” Male Theory

On The “Alpha” Male Theory A lady friend of mine confided in me by letting me know that apparently, if...

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On The “Alpha” Male Theory

A lady friend of mine confided in me by letting me know that apparently, if you can guarantee a woman security, you have satisfied her emotional cravings and she will love you to the end. What better man to do that than the Alpha of the pack, the King of the crew, the father of them all locally branded “Baba Yao”

Even amongst men he is highly regarded. The honour he attracts from his peers satisfies his emotional cravings. To be a visionary is every man’s dream; it pampers your ego and to ice the cake, ladies dial your line every time. What is this that makes him highly irresistible?

He is often charming and charismatic, has a smooth tongue and has his way around situations all the time. He is the Alpha. His word is final. Ladies look forward to hear him speak and when he lets out his thoughts, their thirst is quenched as they nod in agreement since he knocked them out with a breeze of pure wisdom.

I have heard men complain about how they said the same thing but were brushed aside for being stupid until the proverbial Alpha Male said it and was accorded all the praise for always initiating creative solutions when most needed. I wonder how that feels.

Man or woman, we all love those that demonstrate leadership. Everyman wants to be the Alpha of his team and every woman hopes she lands the King of the Jungle. Whichever place you are, I hope you turn out to be the envy of your peers.

Until we speak again, I am your host. Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on the ‘Alpha Male’, please CLICK HERE to read my colleague Yvonne’s views.

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