CENTUM FOUNDATION – Enabling Entrepreneurs

                                                                              CENTUM FOUNDATION - Enabling Entrepreneurs Centum Foundation aims to provide innovative...

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                                                                              CENTUM FOUNDATION Enabling Entrepreneurs

Centum logoCentum Foundation aims to provide innovative SMMEs with the capital and business development tools they need to propel their growth through a business incubator.

The Foundation will leverage their unique position as a leader in the Kenyan (and East African) economy to provide the SMMEs with access to markets, knowledge and mentorship opportunities that will differentiate them.

The SMMEs will be identified through a thorough and transparent process that culminates in a presentation before a panel of judges. These judges award funds and recommend incubation services for promising SMMEs as needed. The funds will then be disbursed according to the terms agreed by the Investment Committee.

The businesses that are funded and incubated are monitored as they grow to determine the impact of the investments on these young businesses and the economy as a whole.

Centum Foundation is looking for young, innovative businesses that solve major problems in the economy in a disruptive way. If you think you fit the criteria for the fund then come meet  and hear more from Ms Valentine Njoroge, Director – Centum Foundation who will be speaking at the ATB Entrepreneur Bootcamp, Friday, 31 July 2015 (8.30am to 4pm), New Hall, St Andrews Church, State House Rd. EVERYONE welcome. Click link for details: http://goo.gl/W8F0lI

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