MALE PERSPECTIVE On The Things We Find Unattractive About Women By Mitchell Odhiambo

MALE PERSPECTIVE On The Things We Find Unattractive About Women Sometimes I think women sum up everything we would ever wish...

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MALE PERSPECTIVE On The Things We Find Unattractive About Women

Sometimes I think women sum up everything we would ever wish for as men and we love them for this however, there are a few issues we find particularly unattractive. For example allow me to dispel some myths here: men do not fancy women who hit on them. Yes, temporarily it will boost their ego but I can promise you this; jump the gun too fast by proposing marriage and that’s it with your relationship – game over…

 Then, coupled to all this, an insecure woman. Gosh, where do I begin? I find more bitter than death to find a woman who is a snare; whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. Men who know who they are, will escape her but the fool, she will ensnare. We do not like women who cling to us or seemingly appear to manipulate their way into our lives. Allow the man to like and chase and if it doesn’t happen, perhaps seduce him a bit then hold back and allow him to do the hunting. 

Anything apart from that makes you look desperate and that my friend, attracts only scavengers. Men who are interested in it for the long term want to know they made a choice to pursue you. I think that in a way guarantees you too, that he won’t bail out easy.

 Play hard to get my friends. Make the man sweat to get you. The thought that you are no low hanging fruit and to win your heart requires a whole lot of tact and effort is very reassuring and soothes the man’s ego. Men are territorial. They want to know they have gold for a woman not just common stone anyone can pick in the street,

 Be very mature about the issues of life, look elegant always, pick your friends wisely and someone will soon put a ring on that finger. Until we meet again. Welcome to a man’s world. From Mitchell Odhiambo   To get a female perspective on The Things We Find Unattractive About Men, please click link to read my colleague Lucy’s views – 

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