FEMALE PERSPECTIVE By Lucy Ngigi On Meeting your Partner’s Parents

The four words look simple enough to comprehend: MEETING YOUR PARTNER'S PARENTS. However, for many women, these words are enough to strike fear in them.  

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The four words look simple enough to comprehend: MEETING YOUR PARTNER’S PARENTS. However, for many women, these words are enough to strike fear in them.


Ladies are so concerned about their image more so, the image created during the first meeting with her man’s parents. It is evident that the first impression created at that time matters a lot. This is also an opportunity to find out whether or not, you come from similar backgrounds.


As a lady, you need to ask your man about his family background and understand it better in preparation for this first meeting.  The most significant aspect is to understand his parents and try to walk in their shoes understanding their concerns. After all, you could be the mother of their grandchildren.


In terms of how seriously to take this occasion, well, there is a big difference between a night out with your girlfriends and meeting your partner’s parents and in terms of dress code, the two must never be confused.


What do I mean by this? A good example would be the dress code in that the two occasions call for totally different styles. They usually say, action speaks louder than words and the type of clothes you wear therefore, tell a compelling story. So, in the interest of creating a good “first impression” and ensuring you are viewed as potential ‘daughter in law’ material, try to dress in a descent manner. Indeed, one would say ‘err on the side of caution’ i.e. dress conservatively. This does not mean you dress as if you are going to the office. Of Course they are not your bosses as such however remember, they are your “BOSSES”. After all, they gave you a handsome man – your husband to be.

Therefore, try to entice them with what they like most. I am sure you are asking yourself this: how can I know what they like most since it is my first meeting with them? The answer is simple; your man knows his parents and knows their likes/dislikes.  

In addition to dress code, manners matter and good manners never got anyone  in to trouble. So, during the meeting be nice, be polite and show some good manners. Show them how much you love their son although no need to pile on the PDA (Public Display of Affection).

Finally, bear in mind that there is no family that doesn’t have its challenges and/or problems. So, when you identify these, be discreet, be calm and don’t you get involved in family drama(s) that may arise. Wish you well when that time comes!  To get a male perspective on this, please click link to view my colleague Mitchell’s view on this topic – http://goo.gl/sSrJ2s   

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