CV TIP – Use Power Action Verbs in your CV.

People want to hire action men/women i.e. people who get things done rather than wait to be told. Action Verbs give your CV power and direction. See...

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People want to hire action men/women i.e. people who get things done rather than wait to be told. Action Verbs give your CV power and direction. See examples below for list of action verbs to use in your CV and covering letters: Attained, chaired, developed, directed, organised, improved, increased, produced, supervised, strengthened, developed, formulated, negotiated, approved, arranged, compiled, generated, implemented, monitored, organised, prepared, evaluated, identified, built, devised, engineered, repaired, solved, trained, advised, coordinated, facilitated, initiated, instructed, managed, planned, created, established, integrated, introduced, revitalised, guided, represented… this list goes on and on but you get the msg…

USEFULL LINK –  ATB CV and Covering Letter Service

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