Turning Obstacles into Opportunities by Serial Entrepreneur Gurbaksh Chahal

Emigrating from India to California with his family at age 4, Gurbaksh Chahal struggled with bullies at school. But he leaned on family for strength that would...

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Emigrating from India to California with his family at age 4, Gurbaksh Chahal struggled with bullies at school. But he leaned on family for strength that would become his entrepreneurial fuel. He dropped out of school at 16, started a business and never looked back. Chahal sold his first online advertising start-up ClickAgents within two years for $40 million, cashed out his second company BlueLithium for $300 million, and now he’s well into his third venture, RadiumOne.

For this interview with ‘Trep Talk, Chahal, 29, shares how he learned to embrace being different and turn obstacles into multimillion-dollar opportunities. Chahal also offers very candid advice for young ‘treps, including how to change a conversation to get your start-up noticed. http://www.entrepreneur.com/video/223278

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